

There are multiple reasons why you would advertise your business online…

  1. Your niche may be too competitive to rank well in Google (there are larger businesses with larger budgets and longer history that dominate the first page- be it organically or paid).
  2. Search traffic may not be enough (you may need more than just search traffic to grow your business- “go out an get ‘em”).
  3. For branding purposes (you may need to let the world know that your business exists and then keep reminding them).
  4. Some believe that bringing your own traffic to your website helps to boost SEO (Google likes to see that you’re an active business), although that’s never been proven.

Advertising differs from search traffic immensely. When you advertise, your are bugging people. You’re not reaching potential customers when they need your service or products. You are reaching them when they are doing other things online like surfing the web, checking their social media, playing games, reading articles, etc. Therefore, before you begin advertising you need to have a promotion ready (some kind of incentive or sale). There needs to be a reason for internet users to stop what they’re doing, click or tap on your ad, and come over to your website before they even begin to think about buying anything from you. Then, you need to keep bringing them back. Studies have shown that website visitors come back about seven times before they buy anything. All of which can be accomplished by running ads online and including a remarketing strategy.

Lesson Plan

1. Setting Up Remarketing

  • How to install code on your website so Google and Facebook can track your visitors (allowing you to advertise to them again).

2. Local Advertising

  • How to advertise your local business in your local area (Google display ads).

3. Advertising Locally on YouTube

  • How to advertise your local business with videos ads on YouTube.

4. Advertising Locally With Meta Platforms (Facebook & Instagram)

  • How to cost-effectively advertise your local business on Facebook and Instagram.

5. Advertising Nationally With Native Ads (Broad Niche)

  • How to advertise your non-local business (such as an e-commerce site) nationwide or in multiple countries.

6. Advertising Nationally With Reddit Ads (Small Niche)

  • How to advertise nationwide (or in multiple countries) in a very specific niche.

7. Running Remarketing Ads

  • How to run ads that show only to your previous website visitors.